
Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I had my participation to #scichat tonight. It was a vey good starting experience for me. It was relatively calm tonight as they say. Which helps a lots. Other tweeters ("experts") are very nice and helpful. still lots of information even with open discussion. I learn that there are so many tools out there that can be useful for class. Some interesting website. Digital white boad etc.
some video clip are funny. all in all , good meeting with no topic.


  1. I'm glad you were able to join. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make this one because of my anniversary and next week due to travel... The topic centered ones are much more dynamic.

  2. Tianyan, it's great that you're using Twitter! I am wondering if you think you could use Twitter in a science class and how you could use it? Is it beneficial for teachers to use as a way of networking and finding resources or should we have our students use it too?

  3. I think it will be beneficial for student to use twitter to network with themself, to find project source and to discuss with other student and teacher.
