What is the best way to teach young children science?
Teaching science in elementary school is extremely important because it teaches children how to question how things work the way they do and shows them that everything plays an important part in the world.
According the website http://www.suite101.com/content/10-science-teaching-tips-for-elementary-school-a65420, it is important while teaching young children science to teach inquiry, critical thinking, questioning, play science games, and include technology as well as interactive science websites. By doing these you will keep students engaged as well as teach them important and useful facts that they will use throughout their life.
This website also included 10 teaching tips to help you teach young children science
1. Students Asking Questions
a. By allowing the students to ask the questions they will expand on their own curiosity and be more engaged in what they are learning. Also by allowing the student to ask questions they are learning how to form their own explanations for things rather than just being told the answer.
2. Teachers Asking Questions
a. When teachers ask questions they should be questions to help guide the children in the right direction for them to begin forming their own questions.
3. Collect Own Data
a. Instead of using data from a textbook or an article, have the students do experiments where they have to collect their own data, by doing this you are giving the students a deeper understanding on why people collect data.
4. Weekly Science Problems
a. Once a week start your day off with a science problem related to our current topic, on the board, to begin your day with.
5. Interactive Science Websites
a. Every now and then take your students to the computer lab and have them go on some interactive science websites. Students love being on the computer and they will be learning at the same time as well.
6. Science Webquests
a. Develop a webquest that students can visit at home to expand what they have been learning.
7. Use Science Trade books
a. Trade books help spread emphasis on the topic you are currently studying
8. Hands-On and Minds-On
a. Whenever you have a hands-on activity students become more engaged and in a way they turn their minds-on to learning. They being to actually see things rather than just hear about them. Therefore by doing hands-on activities you bring their learning to a whole new level.
9. Experimental Design
a. Using inquiry teaching and learning
10. Multimedia Presentation
a. Using multiple resources to get students learning and thinking on a whole new level. (Ex: Computer, Smart board, Camera, tape recorders, etc…)
All of these tips can help you better engage your young science learners. However, many of these tips can be used with older students as well. The moment you get your students engaged in what your teaching is when their learning really takes off.
Website used- http://www.suite101.com/content/10-science-teaching-tips-for-elementary-school-a65420
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