
Thursday, November 18, 2010

The importance of assessment in a science classroom…

The importance of assessment in a science classroom…

I’ve been discussing a broad range of topics throughout my blog posts. Most of these topics come from the ideas we discuss in our science methods classroom. I’ve looked at science from a whole new perspective since taking this methods course. As a student going into education, I feel that I’ve been drilled about assessment; how important it is, what to do, what not to do, how to make an assessment, what types, when to use them, ect.

After hearing out Professor Kruse’s ideas about assessment, I’ve decided it’s important but not as important as I was initially taught. Professor Kruse emphasizes on the process, and if learning is actually taking place. As teachers though, we do have to use assessment to make out decisions (Berger, 2003).

I found a website that offers some pretty good examples of science assessment. I like the idea of using graphics to demonstrate knowledge. I don’t think a student should be penalized if they are unable to show what they’ve learned through words. I would not hesitate to ask the students to draw a graphic for a test question. I also like the idea of oral interviews/tests. Although, I’ve heard they can be time consuming. Perhaps an oral quiz would be more time appropriate.

i think it's important to emphasize the process of learning, not necessarily the assessment. Assessment is important, but the learning process takes precedent over assessment results.

Berger, C. F., & Czerniak, C. M., & Krajcik, J. K. (2003). Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms: A Project-Based Approach. New York, New York: Mc-Graw Hill.


  1. Wow, we are on totally different pages when it comes to this topic. I have learned from my methods course how very important assessment is, especially in science curriculum. Without it you won't have a good idea of where your students are in the learning process. I have come to realize that assessment should be taking place the whole time you are teaching. There are different types of assessment, summative and formative. I have become a huge fan of formative assessment. Formative assessment should be built within instruction. It is used to help us understand what students need to be successful learners and to promote students' metacognition. It should also be used to better our teaching to improve upon our students learning. I have found the book Science Formative Assessment by Page Keeley, full of awesome and useful information. It talks about 75 science formative assessment classroom techniques (FACTs) for linking assessment, instruction, and learning. If you are hoping to become a science teacher this is a must have in my mind.

  2. I also agree with Amanda. Without assessment we have no way of knowing what our students understand and what they do not. I think you are confusing all assessments with sumative assessments, which are only used at the end of a unit. Formative assessments are ongoing throughout the learning process and are crucial to the success of our students!
