
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Standardized Testing in the Science Classroom Blog 6

Race to the top is a $4.35 billion competative grant authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) to encourage and reward states implementing comprehensive refoms across four key areas as described in the ARRA:
  1. Adopting standards and assessments that prepare sutdents for success in college and the workplace
  2. Recruiting, rewarding and retaining effective teachers and principals
  3. Building data systems that measure student success and inform teachers and prinicpals how they can improve their practices
  4. Turning around the lowest-performing schools

Race to the Top has and overarcdhing goal of:

  • Driving substantial gains in student achievement
  • Improving high school graduation and college enrollment
  • Narrowing achievement gaps

Time line for the Race to the Top

Phase 1

January 19, 2010 application deadline for phase 1

April 2010 winners announced for phase 1 and feedback provided to applicants who do not win

Phase 2

June 1, 2010 application deadline for phase 2

September 2010 winners announced for phase 2

Winners of the grant have 4 years to spend down the grants. Winners are also required to submit a yearly report to the Secretary of the Department of Education describing how the grant money is being used.


1 comment:

  1. That is a lot to read and understand. I skimmed through the Race to the Top Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions and still am very confused as to the reasons why a state gets the money versus another state. One item caught my eye and that was the competitive preference priority for states that implement STEM. Hmmm, interesting. How is the money allocated and have the "winners" been announced?
