
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Interactive Websites #2

As I continued researching interactive websites and after reading some of the comments on my last post, I realized that there are some interactive websites that would not be great to use in the classroom because they cost a few to use them, or they are not user friendly. However, most websites that charge a fee also offer a small trial period to try it out, or often times the school you are working at can write a grant to get access to the website. As a teacher it is important to ALWAYS view a website more than once before you begin having your students explore.

As I was searching I found a couple more great interactive websites to incorporate into your classroom. I encourage you to check them out, you never know they may be useful for you in the near future.

The first website I looked at was This website is meant for students from grades around 4th through 7th. The websites main focus is on marine ecology. On this websites your students become detectives, and they interact with the website to figure out the mystery of the sea. They read up on facts and watch pretend yet factual news clips to help them solve the mystery of the sea. On this website there is also a teachers guide to help teachers direct their students on the site. If you are teaching your students about marine ecology I highly recommended this website, as a fun way to get your students engaged.

The other website I found was, and although this too was a great website I think this would be better used as a site to further explore research rather than a use to guide your core instruction. This website focuses on the chemistry and the basic things in your kitchen you can use to conduct experiments, it also gives students ideas of experiments. I like how this website is student user friendly and how it shows students that science is all around them.

There are so many great resources to use in our classroom all around us. So I will keep exploring to find more useful interactive websites to use in my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, I like the PBS website you posted. In many cases it's better to have websites that enhance what you're teaching, rather than take the focus. The PBS chemistry site does that and I think it's a positive.

    I've been looking around the PBS website and have found many great educational websites that could be sent home to use as an extension to lessons or could be used during free time in the computer lab. PBS is a great resource to go to when you need quality interactive sites for your students.
