
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

To have FUN in your classroom, classroom management is key.,

     This is my seventh blog focusing on having fun in science class.  I feel that having fun is important in any classroom setting.  But having fun in science has been my focus on these blog posts.  I think science is an awesome field of content and I really want students to be engaged and having fun.  I feel that this furthers their comprehension of science and science content.
     In order to have fun in the science classroom, the teacher must use effective classroom management.  So how do you have an organized classroom?  First thing for classroom management is that there has to be routines and rules.  You as the teacher need to be clear and precise on these routines and rules.  The clearer the teacher is on these routines and rules, the less bad behavior will occur in your classroom.
     Routines begin the first day of school.  The students practice and practice these routines.  Routines help the student follow an ordered plan of how the classroom is managed.  Routines are put in place by the teacher for a reason.  The better the class follows the routines, the better behaved the students will be. 
     Rules are in place for a reason.  The teacher will explain the rules the first day of school and the students will practice and practice these rules.  I like only a few rules that are simple and precise.  Rules need to be clear and understood by all the students.  Behaviors must be addressed in school by using rules.  If the behavior is poor, rules are broken, and consequences must occur.   Poor behavior can take a way a lot of fun for the students.  So it is necessary to follow the routines and the rules for a fun filled classroom.
     I have only three rules that I want my students to follow.  Of course, I may need to add to the rules as the school year progresses, but for me I like things simple and clear.  Here are my rules: 
  1. Follow directions
  2. Respect your classmates and teachers
  3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
     All in all, if students are well behaved there is no limit to the fun they will have in your classroom.


  1. Classroom management is definitely the most important fact that makes a classroom a good learning environment. I usually call routines procedures, and I agree that these have to be practiced in order for the classroom to run more smoothly. In my classroom management seminar I was told about a lot of different things that you might not realize you need a procedure for, but if there isn't one a problem might arise. For instance, what do the students do if they need to...
    get a pencil sharpened?
    check out a book from the class library?
    share answers?
    ask for help?
    go to the office?
    turn in their homework?
    There are so many different things that need to be considered!

  2. I agree with your ideas and believe that classroom management is important if not the most important element to successful teaching and learning. Luckily, I've had some great practicum experiences that have allowed me to view and practice classroom management. Unfortunately, I've never been around the first weeks of school so see how rules and routines are introduced and implemented. This makes me nervous! Current practicing teachers have suggested to have the students involved in the rule making process. I like this idea and is one that you may want to consider. This way it's not just you telling students what is right and wrong, but they have to act responsible and accountable for their own ideas.

  3. I think implementing classroom management strategies can make the learning in the classroom fun! I noticed that you focused primarily on rules and routines for the overall classroom, but have you ever thought about implementing rules in the science area of the classroom? I think that students need to always know what is expected of them when they are working on science. I think you could think of a list of rules and routines that you would want your students to follow every time that they are working on a science experiment or doing science research. It would be really clever to think of an Acronym related to Science that they can remember to keep them on task when they are doing science in the classroom.

  4. Nancy, I think it's great that you are addressing routines and procedures in the classroom. I agree that there must classroom rules, but I also agree that routines and procedures can help with classroom management. Using the first few weeks of school to practice these routines will make the teacher's life run much smoother. I also think practicing these routines will set up an effective classroom environment. When students understand what is expected of them, they will be less likely to misbehave. Classroom management is an essential component of an effective classroom, so taking the time to make sure your classroom runs smoothly is really important.
