
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

teaching science with technology to students with LD

To prepare student ready for the 21st century, more and more technology are being used in the classroom. Teaching science is not exceptional. This present both opportunities and challenges to students with a broad range of abilities and disabilities. Specifically, I learned a few opportunity to apply technologies in the classroom to accommodate student’s specific disability to gain knowledge:
1.student with visual problem may have trouble reading standard text or viewing graphic images. In this case, large print would help. So access to adaptive technology such as computer that provides enlarged print will be useful.
2.student with hearing issues may need presentations and instructions with FM system; interpreter; printed materials; facing student for lip reading or sign language interpreter.
3.student with specific learning disability may have difficult to understand concepts. Accommodated with visual, aural, and tactile demonstrations incorporated into instruction will be necessary or extra time and access to materials via a computer equipped with speech and large print output and Internet access.
4.student who has difficulty taking notes in class because of mobility or visual impairment can be accommodated with in-class access to a computer with adaptive technology and a word processor.
5.student with difficulty to see demonstrations; viewing lab experiments because they are seating in a wheelchair can be accommodated with adjustable-height tables and flexible seating arrangements.
6.student who has difficulty: completing an assignment or lab because of a health impairment can be accommodated with: flexible scheduling arrangements.
7. for student who has difficulty to do research, information accessible on computer (e.g., disk, Internet) with adaptive technology can be helpful.

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