
Friday, November 19, 2010

Science and standardized testing blog 4

For this blog I am looking at the Assessment Framework for Science, a portion of the WKCE test. The Assessment Framework for Science is derived from Wisconsin's Model Academic Standards for Science. The Assessment Framework is a resource to ensure your curriculum includes the knowledge base measured by the WKCE. The state of Wisconsin tests their sutdent in grades 4, 8, and 10 with this science framework. The test itself is 80% selected response, multiple-choice, and 20% constructed response.
There are 8 reporting categories for the WKCE science framework, which are also the same 8 categories included in the Science Content and Performance Standards outlined by the WI Model Academic Standards for Science. With each of the 8 standards I have included an example standard for each from the 8th grade level.
A. Science Connections

  • A.8.1 Develop their understanding of teh science themes by using the themes to frame questions about science-related issues and problems

B. Nature of Science

  • B.8.1 Describe how scientific knowledge and concepts have changed over time in the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences

C. Science Inquiry

  • C.8.1 Identify questions they can investigate using resources and equipment they have available

D. Physical Science

  • D.8.1 Observe, describe, and measure physical and chemical properties of elements and other substances to identify and group them according to properites such as density, melting points, boiling points, conductivity, magnetic attraction, solubility, and reactions to common physical and chemical tests

E. Earth and Space Science

  • E.8.1 Using the science themes, explain and predict changes in major features of land, water and atomspheric systems

F. Life and Environmental Science

  • F.8.1 Understand the structure and funciton of cells, organs, tissues, organ systems, and whole organisms

G. Science Applications

  • G.8.1 Identify and investigate the skills people need for a career in science or technology and identify the academic courses that a person pursuing such a career would need

H. Science in Social and Personal Prospectives

  • H.8.1 Evaluate the scientific evidence used in various media ( for example, television, radio, internet, popular press, and scientific journals) to address a social issue, using criteria of accuracy, logic, bias, relevance of data, and credibility of source

The framework can be found at

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