
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Remember That Each Child is Unique

For my last blog, I thought it would be a great to discuss the importance of remembering that each child you teach is unique and has different requirements. This is true for every type of student you have and as a teacher it is your job to get to know each child on a personal level and understand how they learn and what makes them who they are.

Although, I have not taught my own classroom yet, through my placements and time of teaching dance, I know we all have those students we love and the ones who know how to push all the right buttons and it is important to remember that there is a reason for a student to act out. They might not get the love and attention they need at home and school is the only place where they can receive it and it starts with you, the teacher. To begin my research I type in to the search engine box on google "every child you teach is unique" and found something that I think could be beneficial for everyone. One there is a list that caught my attention;

1. No one is perfect.

Every human being makes mistakes. We all have something we don’t like about ourselves. The important thing is—accept this as part of being human. Don’t look for the flaws in your self or in others. Look for the beauty and ability instead, and your life will always be full of wonder.

2. Love is the most powerful thing we can give and receive.

Nothing can match the love you receive from your parents, your siblings and friends. You are most alive when you feel the love that connects you with other human beings. Love is our nature. Be love and give love. It is within you.

3. When you hurt someone, you hurt yourself.

When you make fun of someone, you will regret it later. When you physically hurt someone, the experience will haunt you. Making others suffer is never the solution. When you face a violent situation, try to find a peaceful way to deal with it. Be kind and see the kindness in others.

4. You are truly one of a kind.

You are complete the way you are. You are a unique person. Everything you need to be happy is within you. You don’t need to impress any one or to explain yourself to others. Don’t expect others to have to explain themselves to you either.

Don’t try to fit in and don’t expect others to do it. When you try to blend in, you lose yourself and the joy in your life.

5. Listen to your gut feeling.

Do things that feel good and excite you. Don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right. Follow your heart. You are doing it now, so don’t stop doing it when you grow up.

6. Loss is part of life.

With life and love, there is always a chance to lose someone we love or something we enjoy. It is OK to go through these painful experiences. You will have people around you who will support you and give you the strength to move on.

7. You always have a choice.

Don’t do anything because you have to. Do things that you want to do. When you are a child you may not know what’s best for you. So you will follow the advice of adults. But when you grow up, you will have the wisdom to know for yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

8. Make the most of every minute of your life.

Do one thing at a time and do it well. When you are doing anything, remember what it feels like now when you just enjoy coloring or playing games. Have a blast working and playing and make the best of every thing you do.

9. Forgive and let go.

When you make a mistake, don’t be too proud to admit your fault. Apologize to the other person if you can. Forgive yourself and let it go. Remember we are all human—there isn’t one human being out there who never made a mistake.

If someone hurt you, remember: they are human too and they make mistakes. Forgive them just as you would want them to forgive you.

If you tried something and it didn’t work out, learn from it and move on. There is no failure in life. Be grateful for the fun you had and the lessons you learned. Let go and move on to the next adventure in your life.

10. Give with all your heart.

When you are with your family or friends, give them all your attention. When you are helping others, do the best you can and give as much as you can afford. You can give money, spend time with others, or you can listen to someone who needs to talk. But the most precious gift you can give is: love.

Love everyone around you. It is contagious. The more love you give, the more you spread it around the world.

I also believe that there is an inner child in every one of us and these are lessons that not only children can live by, but adults as well!


  1. I completely agree! And want to let you know that the list you provided is extremely important. We as future educators might be experts in our content areas, but if we don't connect with all of our students and embrace them as fellow people of this Earth, we fail as teachers. Teaching is more than throwing academic information at kids. For that reason I am glad to be in the act! program and to have the chance not be a role model, mentor, parent, and teacher to my future students.

  2. Desiree,

    Thank you for reminding us of what is really important; to try and understand each student to provide the best learning experience. Everyone is an individual. We need to help nourish our students strengths and to help mend their weaknesses. The best curriculum is useless without a teacher to give it life. Thank you for adding the human factor...

  3. This list really is important for adults to remember. All of the statements are very empowering, and remind me of the reason why I wanted to become a teacher--to make a difference in the lives of children. The only way to do that is to learn about them and treat them in the ways you have described above. I think that remembering the first one is possibly the most important. "No one is perfect"-- that is something a teacher has to remember about the students in the classroom, and also about him or herself. There will be mistakes made every day by someone in the classroom, but learing from them and moving on is the best way to go.

  4. I really loved the list of 10, I think they are awesome for life in general not just a science classroom. I've found that it's easy to get frustrated in the class, you just have to remember to take everything with a grain of salt and move on.

  5. Desiree this was great! I think these are such important things to remember not only when working with children, but also to teach children. Come children deal with rough home lives and don't get this kind of personal development. Teaching your students about this list of things will help develop them into mature, caring, good citizens. These things are always important to remember when dealing with children, and adults.

  6. This brought tears to my eyes. It also reminds me of why I want to become a teacher. Ultimately, I feel that helping a child in any possible way will always be more beneficial than just "teaching". We are going to encounter anything and everything when we have our own classroom. I think this blog provides inspiration for all the uncertainty we will face....

  7. This is basically a lesson plan for life! I believe that not only teachers should adhere to these items, but scientists, construction workers, dentists, etc, can all become good people if they could follow these points. I might disagree with point #4 in some situations, or to some degree. There are cases, when other people are affected, when one might have to explain WHY they did certain things. But, other than that, this list seems to be on high moral ground!
