For my last blog I wanted to recap how you can make science fun and engaging for students. I found a blog that I really enjoyed by Kari Byron, she writes a blog called GeekMom. She is the wife on the show Mythbusters. Her blog icluded ways that you can make science fun for kids. She first talked about how science for kids can be boring and nerdy at times. She says that when you ask students to draw a scientist they usually draw and older man, white lab coat, big classes, and in a lab. This is where students are wrong about science. They need to understand that science is happening everywhere and can be really fun. We as teachers need to teach our students that science is fun and can be engaging.
Kari gives great ideas for parents to help their students enjoy science more because it happens everyday all around us. She talks about dropping Mentos in a bottle of Coke and you can introduce Chemistry. Or taking a walk in the park and take pictures of animals. Then students study their eating habits and where they live and that's biology. I thought this was a great blog and can be beneficial for teachers as well as parents. Kari's blog
You bring up a very good point about finding science in things we do every day. So often students hear science and think of experiements, hypothesis and big words. Our job as teachers should be to relate science to real life and to help students understand that there is more to science than just a text book in school.